"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way," wrote Viktor Frankl in his seminal work "Man's Search for Meaning." He knew the depths of human suffering firsthand, having endured three years across four Nazi concentration camps.
Medalist rower who was speaking about how he managed to stay focused and put the work in…
He said:
“attitude… that is it
and attitude itself adds up to that…
100% … take “A” as 1 and “B” as 2 & so on & take the letters and add them up & you will see … attitude is 100…! So this is what I committed to 100% to have 100% of the right attitude you are giving 100% of yourself and giving yourself the best possible chance … and if you fail … you know you have given it that 100% … anything less and the failure feels like that … if you truly give and have that 100% attitude .. you know you gave your best! This is what I gave and it was what was needed … so with your attitude… make it 100% “…
Thank you Diana,
This reminds me of a British Olympic gold
Medalist rower who was speaking about how he managed to stay focused and put the work in…
He said:
“attitude… that is it
and attitude itself adds up to that…
100% … take “A” as 1 and “B” as 2 & so on & take the letters and add them up & you will see … attitude is 100…! So this is what I committed to 100% to have 100% of the right attitude you are giving 100% of yourself and giving yourself the best possible chance … and if you fail … you know you have given it that 100% … anything less and the failure feels like that … if you truly give and have that 100% attitude .. you know you gave your best! This is what I gave and it was what was needed … so with your attitude… make it 100% “…
Ps. Loved the reading of the post! Thank you. 🙏 wonderful.
Thank you Ali for your truly insightful comment.
Another good one! Bravo!
Thank you, mom! Your validation is a total dopamine hit!! 💕