Rewriting ‘insane’ behaviors helps to give a new focused result
It is often said—and wrongly attributed to Einstein—that insanity is defined as “doing something the same way over and over again and expecting different results.”
Whether Einstein said it or not, I like it.
What are some of my insane tendencies?
Pushing my opinion on others;
Giving in to self-pity, self-loathing, and self-criticism;
Being walled off and distant;
Having no needs or wants.
Being too vulnerable and lacking boundaries;
Being needy and overly dependent.
So what would sanity look like?
Accepting others and their opinions;
Affirming and loving myself and others;
Doing my best and accepting my flaws;
Being vulnerable in a shielded way (i.e. with healthy boundaries);
Striving for interdependence in my relationships;
Enjoying peace and my own company;
And reaching out to others for help;
Oh… and courage!
When I try to control people, places and things I become irritable and unreasonable. Often, it’s best to let go and let the universe do its thing.